Director Identification Number (DIN) - Detailed instructions for filling DIN form -

What is DIN?

DIN is a full form of Director Identification Number it a unique number which is provided by the MCA Portal DIN Cell after making an application in eForm DIN-1.


It is compulsory for the following persons to apply and get Director Identification Number from the MCA Portal DIN cell;

      1)      Any individual who is intended to be appointed as a Director of an Indian Company or
      2)      Any individual who desires to be a partner/director of a Limited Liability Partnership firm


This eForm DIN-1 is downloaded in editable PDF file and the required details can be written in such file. This file also provides an attachment facility of necessary documents and photograph of the applicant. The application fees of eForm DIN-1 is Rs. 100 which is paid through electronic mode of payment. It means the application fee is paid through credit card or net banking facility. According to the revised procedure of the application such application fees payment is not done through Challan.


The following instructions are given to help in filling the eForm DIN-1

Point 1 (a to c) :- Enter your full name

For the Field “First Name” and “Last Name” the single alphabet is not allowed. It means you cannot write the only initial character in your First Name and Last Name. The Field of Middle Name is an optional for an applicant. The applicant should take care while entering his First, Middle and Last name with its respective fields.

The name should not accept with the prefixes like Mr. / Ms. / Kumari / Shri etc. The name should be the same along with its spelling which is given in the identity proof.

It happened in many times that the name of the applicant is different from the name in the identity proof. In such cases it is compulsory to attach separately a copy of Gazette Notification along with identity proof and in case of a female applicant a copy of the marriage certificate is attached. Example the name of the applicant in PAN card is different and the applicant applying for the DIN is different, or after marriage there would be a change in the name of female applicants. 

It should be noted that the name of the applicant which is provided in the DIN application should be used as the same name for all the correspondence with the MCA.

For the Field “First Name” and “Last Name” the single alphabet is not allowed. It means you cannot write the only initial character in your First Name and Last Name. The Field of Middle Name is an optional for an applicant. The applicant should take care while entering his First, Middle and Last name with its respective fields.

The name should not accept with the prefixes like Mr. / Ms. / Kumari / Shri etc. The name should be the same along with its spelling which is given in the identity proof.

In case of foreign nationals/ NRIs application the proof of the Father’s name is not required but it is compulsory to enter either father’s name or father’s last name. But in case of Indian Nationals only single name shall be allowed, only if in case same single name is given in the Income Tax PAN Details.


They can attach his/her photo on editable PDF file but the applicant should note that only JPEG format photograph is allowed to be attached in the application form. The photograph should be latest and it should be given a front view of the full face of the applicant.

Point 4:- Nationality

In case of a foreign/NRI applicant the nationality should be declared as mentioned in his/her passport.

Point 4B:- Education Qualification

The applicant should enter his/her current occupation or education qualification in this field.

Point 5:- Date of Birth

In the application form Date of Birth should be written in the DD/MM/YYYY format. It is mandatory to write Date of Birth in the given format even if the proof of identity contains different format. The proof is mandatory and duly attested by the applicant.

This field of application contains the Permanent Account Number (PAN) of an applicant issued by the Income Tax Authority. It is compulsory for an Indian applicant to mention his/her PAN in application. After entering PAN, it is mandatory to click on ‘Verify Income Tax PAN’ button. That will take you on the Income Tax website To Know Your PAN.

The applicant should check the details of his/her Name i.e. First, Middle and Last Name, name of the applicant’s father i.e. first, middle and last name and Date of Birth of the applicant should be as per the income tax PAN Details.

If due to any reason you cannot access to the income tax website and you wanted to know your name, then you can verify you Name from the following link

Point 9-11:- Identity proof

Here the applicant should provide all the identity proof which he/she possesses. The details in application form should be entering exactly the same as mentioned in the identity proof. The applicant should note that spelling of name or any other particulars should not be deferred.

For the foreign/NRI applicant it is mandatory to specify his/her Passport number in respective field.

Point 12:- Permanent residential address

Applicant should enter his residential address exactly the same as given in his residential proof. It may happen in case of residential address of the country is other than India and there may not be any PIN code, in that situation you can enter “NA’ in the PIN Code field.

Applicant should specify his/her valid email address.

Point 13-14:- Present Residential Address

In case applicant has same residential address of permanent and present, he/she simply select option ‘YES’ and automatically the same Permanent residential address will be displayed in the field of Present residential address.

If applicant can select option ‘No’ and write the present residential address for communication.


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